provides an online marketplace for independent artists to display and sell their own work.
Redbubble donates no less than all its profits from the sale of products created in response to certain current natural or man-made disasters of global significance. Examples of such events have been the Australian “Black Saturday” bushfires of 2009 and the Haiti earthquake of 2010.
When an event meets the above criteria, Redbubble will identify and work with the appropriate charity for donation, ensuring the funds will be used in a meaningful and relevant way. Redbubble will post notice of this. All sales of products with clearly identified tags related to the event or which are notified to Redbubble by the artist as created about the event will be monitored for a period of 3 months after the event. At the end of the 3 month period Redbubble will review sales and submit no-less than all its profits earned to the identified charity and notify the amount.
The above policy does not affect any additional donations Redbubble may choose to make in response to such events or charities.
Any content created in response to such events must comply with Redbubble's User Agreement and all of Redbubble’s user policies.