Resolving Conflict with Another Member

The Redbubble community prides itself on being a welcoming and supportive environment for artists. The diverse mix of backgrounds, cultures and perspectives makes Redbubble a vibrant and interesting place to share your creativity. Most people do the right thing and enjoy Redbubble. These tips are to help us all support one another and resolve little conflicts if they arise.

Prevention is better than cure

  • Treat others with respect, tolerance and consideration, even if you don't agree with their perspective.
  • Focus on people and content which you like. It's easy to click away, join another group or take someone off your watchlist.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (it's an oldie but a goodie).
  • If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all (another oldie but a goodie).

Tips for resolving conflict online

  • Give everyone involved time to cool down before responding.
  • Consider possible misunderstandings, language barriers or misguided humor.
  • Think about how your response is going to help resolve the situation.
  • Use positive, 'let's solve this' language and avoid using 'you' language - instead use 'I' language. E.g. instead of "You offended me with your picture of the burning flag" try "I was very disturbed by the picture of the burning flag". This sort of language helps to avoid people becoming defensive about what has happened.
  • Ask them to stop contacting you, then ignore their communications. There is a scripted message at the end of this article which might help.
  • The more people that get involved, the longer it can take to resolve an issue. 'Rallying supporters' can often complicate a situation.

Most people want to do the right thing. Many differences can be settled by those involved with a few deep breaths and a little extra diplomacy. Behavior that continues to escalate can be reported for review using the links provided around the site.

Redbubble does not currently offer a block function.

Script: Asking someone to leave you alone

Hi Name

This Bubblemail is to formally request that you stop communicating with me on Redbubble. I will also stop all communication with you, effective immediately.

The Redbubble Community Guidelines say "Once you ask someone to stop commenting on your work or sending you Bubblemail, any subsequent direct communication is considered harassment." You can read the full guidelines here.

As such, should you send me another Bubblemail, or make another comment on my work, I will be directing this matter to Redbubble administration.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Your Name