Reporting a Concern

Redbubble welcomes artists of all experience levels and from all walks of life including different nationalities, faiths, political persuasions, and sexualities. You probably won't agree with everyone all the time, but please be respectful and considerate in your interactions with others.

If you are confronted with behavior or content on Redbubble that you believe is unacceptable for Redbubble according to our guidelines you can report your concerns to staff using the links found around the site. Please do not post public comments about people or content you object to.

Once reported, the content or behavior will be reviewed by a staff member and if found to be outside our community guidelines, may be removed from the site. Most reviews occur within a few days but it may take some time to completely resolve and action. Each reported work or situation will be reviewed and assessed on a case-by-case basis. Unfortunately, we are not able to reply to every individual report sent.

Report an artwork or design: To report a work, scroll to the bottom of a page where you will see a link titled “Report Content”. After clicking this link you will be able to select the reason for reporting the work, and leave a comment if necessary.



If you believe someone is infringing your rights, Please use the Notice and Takedown Report form to submit your report. 

Report a comment on your work: 

Report a Bubblemail conversation: