What if a user of the Redbubble marketplace is infringing my rights?

Don't just scream “I DECLARE INFRINGEMENT!” into the sky loudly; we may not hear it over at HQ.

Seriously though, Redbubble follows a takedown process modeled after the process set forth in the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which provides rights holders the ability to issue takedown notices and the alleged infringers to counter claims of infringement.

To learn more about our takedown and counter-notice process, please read our IP and Publicity Rights Policy, which can be found here.

Obligatory Yet Very Important Legal Disclaimer:

Don’t be fooled by any complicated jargon (and how snazzy we look in pinstripe). We are not your lawyer and this is not legal advice. We recommend contacting an attorney if you need an actual legal consultation.

Rather, this is general information aimed at giving you the legal lay of the land. While we can’t defend you in court, we know that art and IP ownership can be murky territory; the least we can do is arm you with the right kind of knowledge to get you started.