How do I design for Leggings?

To get through this tutorial, you’ll need a couple of things:

  • This downloadable Leggings Template
  • An editing software of your choice (like Photoshop)

Once you’ve downloaded the Leggings template, pull it up in your editing software and familiarize yourself with the different zones in the template. These zones are designed to help place your artwork.

  • All areas inside of the GREY portion are the SAFE areas for your designs.
  • The RED areas are sized for XL Leggings, so you’re free to put art in here, but they might get cut off for smaller sizes.
  • You can easily make designs that wrap around the leg and continue on the other side - just make sure to keep placement in mind.

Follow the following steps or check out this video to learn how to place your art on the leggings template:

  1. Create a new layer and name it ‘Right Leg’.
  2. Click File > Place Embedded and select the design you’d like to work with.
  3. Adjust your design by using the Move tool and Transform tool.
  4. When you’re happy with the design, duplicate the layer and name it ‘Left Leg’.
  5. Mirror the new layer. Make sure the new layer is selected then hit Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.
  6. Adjust as needed. Make sure to hold shift while you’re repositioning so that the design stays on the same plane as the other leg.
  7. When you’re happy with the other side, delete the template layer.
  8. Save your work by clicking File > Export > Save for Web. Save as PNG24.
  • Transparency is optional but recommended if your design doesn’t cover the whole template.
  • Make sure the file dimensions are 4350px wide and 4032px high.