Redbubble and Google Universal Analytics

Google will stop processing data for Universal Analytics standard properties (free accounts) on July 1, 2023, and their new analytics platform Google Analytics 4 is not currently compatible with our platform. Therefore, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue providing this functionality from June 2023.

Why is Google retiring Universal Analytics?

What will happen to my existing data stored in (Google) Universal Analytics?

According to Google, historical data in Universal Analytics will continue to be accessible until at least the end of 2023. Refer to this article from Google for more information.

What can I use instead to track the performance of my Redbubble listings?
The Artist Analytics Dashboard is still available in your Redbubble account to use.
When will Google Analytics 4 be available for my Redbubble account?
We will be exploring options to provide similar tracking in the future and would welcome any feedback you have in this area.  We will notify artists when we have more information.