How do I tag my designs?

We have a thorough guide on how best to tag your work right over here, but if you're looking for a quick guide, read along!

Long story short: if you want customers to find your work when searching for a specific word, include that word in your tags.

You can add tags upon uploading your work:

Or you can use the Quick Edit option on your Manage Portfolio page to quickly add tags and titles to your work. Be sure to click the red Save button after adding your tags to each work!


You can use up to 15 tags, with 50 characters each, that accurately describe your work. Brainstorm 30 words or phrases that define your creation and then narrow that down to the best 15. For example, if “pride” is an important tag defining your work, that should be one of the 15. 

Be sure to use appropriate and relevant tags in your works and not tag spam. It may take up to 15 minutes for newly added and newly tagged work to show up in our search results.

New Artist Accounts

After uploading your first 5 designs, it may take up to 5 business days for your shop to be visible to the public in Redbubble searches and with direct links.

During this time, you may see a temporary banner when viewing your artwork that says:

This work is not publicly visible as this account is currently Restricted
Fret not! You'll no longer see the banner when your account is visible to the public.